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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 48-51, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553297


INTRODUÇÃO: O manejo dos pacientes vítimas de PAF possui vertentes divergentes a respeito do tratamento cirúrgico, que pode ser realizado de forma imedata ou tardia. Em lesões auto-infligidas, a distância entre a arma e a região acometida é menor, causando consequências estéticas e funcionais mais devastadoras. Aliado ao fato desse tipo de trauma criar uma ferida suja devido à comunicação com a cavidade oral e seios paranasais, o manejo das lesões representam um desafio mesmo à cirurgiões experientes. OBJETIVO: Estre trabalho relata o manejo cirúrgico de uma ferida auto-infligida por arma de fogo que resultou em avulsão dos tecidos moles na região maxilofacial. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 35 anos, vítima de projétil de arma de fogo auto-infligido em região maxilofacial, cursando com extenso ferimento em região de língua e mento. Clinicamente, o paciente não apresentava sinais de fratura em ossos da face. Ambos os ferimentos apresentavam secreção purulenta e o paciente manifestava disfonia devido a grande destruição tecidual. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: O tratamento de ferimentos por arma de fogo não só é um grande desafio para o cirurgião, como para toda a equipe multidisciplinar requerida para tais casos, visto que não há protocolos bem definidos para o tratamento dessas lesões(AU)

INTRODUCTION: The management of patients who are victims of FAP has divergent aspects regarding surgical treatment, which can be performed immediately or late. In self-inflicted injuries, the distance between the weapon and the affected region is smaller, causing more devastating aesthetic and functional consequences. Allied to the fact that this type of trauma creates a dirty wound due to the communication with the oral cavity and paranasal sinuses, the management of injuries represents a challenge even for experienced surgeons. OBJECTIVE: This paper reports the surgical management of a self-inflicted gunshot wound that resulted in soft tissue avulsion in the maxillofacial region. CASE DESCRIPTION: Male patient, 35 years old, victim of a self-inflicted firearm projectile in the maxillofacial region, coursing with extensive injury in the region of the tongue and chin. Clinically, the patient did not show signs of facial bone fractures. Both wounds had purulent secretion and the patient had dysphonia due to extensive tissue destruction. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The treatment of gunshot wounds is not only a great challenge for the surgeon, but also for the entire multidisciplinary team required for such cases, since there are no well-defined protocols for the treatment of these injuries(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Tongue/injuries , Wound Infection , Wounds, Gunshot , Palate, Hard/injuries , Wounds and Injuries , Wounds, Penetrating , Palate, Hard , Ecchymosis , Edema , Maxillofacial Injuries
In. Taranto, Eliseo; Nuñez, Edgardo. Esenciales en emergencia y trauma. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.35-43, ilus.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1567358
Medisan ; 27(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514555


Durante estos años, condicionados por los efectos de una pandemia y la situación económica global, la incorporación oportuna de los resultados científico-técnicos es necesidad y responsabilidad de la comunidad científica. En este trabajo se expone una experiencia en la introducción de resultados científicos desde la formación doctoral, dirigida al área de la atención inicial al paciente con traumatismo maxilofacial. La importancia de esta práctica radica en los aportes social, científico y profesional y en la formación de recursos humanos para lograr la transformación y el mejoramiento de la realidad.

During these years, conditioned by the effects of a pandemic and the global economic situation, the opportune incorporation of the scientific technical results is necessity and responsibility of scientific community. An experience in the introduction of scientific results from the doctoral training, directed to the area of initial care to the patient with maxillofacial traumatism, is presented in this work. The importance of this practice resides in the social, scientific, professional contributions and in the formation of human resources to achieve the transformation and improvement of reality.

Biomedical Research , Algorithms , Clinical Protocols , Maxillofacial Injuries
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(4): 13-19, out.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1414507


Introdução: A avulsão dentária é caracterizada pelo deslocamento total do elemento dentário para fora do alvéolo em decorrência de um trauma externo e as medidas emergenciais prestadas ainda no local do acidente são imprescindíveis para um bom prognóstico. Objetivo: Investigou-se o nível de conhecimento e atitudes de leigos sobre possíveis condutas frente à avulsão de dentes permanentes. Métodos: A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de um questionário contendo perguntas sobre características gerais da lesão e as atitudes que os pacientes tomariam em um caso de avulsão. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de Mann Whitney, considerando um nível de significância de 5% (p <0,05). Resultados: Questionários foram respondidos por 120 pacientes enquanto aguardavam atendimento. A média geral de respostas corretas / atitudes esperadas foi de 3,74. Os participantes que possuíam informação prévia acerca do tema, obtiveram médias significativamente maiores, o mesmo não foi verificado com aqueles que possuíam experiência prévia com trauma. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o conhecimento sobre avulsão dentária dos pacientes é baixo e que a educação em saúde, através da informação da população pode ser um fator relevante para a melhora da conduta emergencial no local do trauma pela população leiga... (AU)

Introduction: Tooth avulsion is characterized by the total displacement of the tooth out of the socket as a result of an external trauma and emergency measures provided at the accident site are essential for a good prognosis. Objective: We investigated the level of knowledge and attitudes of lay people about possible behaviors in the face of avulsion of permanent teeth. Methods: Data collection was performed using a questionnaire containing questions about general characteristics of the lesion and the attitudes that patients would take in a case of avulsion. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test, considering a significance level of 5% (p <0,05). Results: Questionnaires were answered by 120 patients while waiting for care. The overall average of correct answers/expected attitudes was 3.74. Participants who had previous information on the subject had significantly higher averages, the same was not verified with those who had previous experience with trauma. Conclusion: It is concluded that the knowledge about dental avulsion of patients is low and that health education, through population information can be a relevant factor for the improvement of emergency management at the trauma site by the lay population... (AU)

Introducción: La avulsión dentaria se caracteriza por el desplazamiento total del diente fuera del alvéolo como consecuencia de un traumatismo externo y las medidas de urgencia en el lugar del accidente son fundamentales para un buen pronóstico. Objetivo: Indagamos el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes de los legos sobre posibles comportamientos ante la avulsión de dientes permanentes. Métodos: La recolección de datos se realizó mediante un cuestionario que contenía preguntas sobre las características generales de la lesión y las actitudes que tomarían los pacientes en caso de avulsión. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba de Mann-Whitney, considerando un nivel de significación del 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: Los cuestionarios fueron respondidos por 120 pacientes en espera de atención. La media global de aciertos/ actitudes esperadas fue de 3,74. Los participantes que tenían información previa sobre el tema tuvieron promedios significativamente más altos, lo mismo no se verificó con aquellos que tenían experiencia previa con el trauma. Conclusión: Se concluye que el conocimiento sobre la avulsión dentaria de los pacientes es bajo y que la educación en salud, a través de la información poblacional, puede ser un factor relevante para la mejora del manejo de la emergencia en el sitio del trauma por parte de la población no especializada... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Tooth Avulsion , Accidents , Health Education , Data Collection , Emergencies , Face , Mandibular Injuries , Maxillofacial Injuries
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(6): 1-13, nov. 3, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437591


Introduction: The consumption of alcoholic beverages reduces the body's ability to deal with dangerous situations and exposes people to trauma. Objective: To determine the association between the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the characteristics of maxillofacial fractures treated at a Cuban university hospital in the context of COVID-19. Material and Methods: An observational, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Maxillofacial Surgery unit at the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" General University Hospital during the year 2020. Prevalence ratios, 95% confidence intervals and p-values were obtained using generalized linear models. Results: In 58.23% of the cases, fractures were related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The fundamental etiology was interpersonal violence (47.75%), regardless of the consumption of alcoholic beverages. There was a prevalence of patients with nasal fractures (n=98; 55.06%), among which, 35.71% had consumed alcoholic beverages at the time of the trauma. Being male (p=0.005), the lack of university studies (p=0.007), the need for surgical treatment (p<0.001), the fractures of the zygomaticomaxillary complex (p=0.023), and the traumas that occurred during the weekends (p<0.001) or during the month of June (p=0.029) were factors associated with a higher frequency of fractures related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. There was a lower frequency of fractures associated with alcohol consumption during the months of January (p=0.006) and March (p=0.001). Conclusion: Six out of ten cases were under the influence of alcoholic beverages. There was a greater number of young and male patients, mainly due to interpersonal violence.

Introducción: La ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas disminuye la capacidad del organismo para enfrentar situaciones de peligro y lo predispone a sufrir traumatismos diversos. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y las características de las fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas en un hospital universitario cubano en el contexto de la COVID-19. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico y transversal realizado en el servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital General Universitario "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" durante el 2020. Se obtuvieron razones de prevalencia, intervalos de confianza a 95% y valores p mediante modelos lineales generalizados. Resultados: En el 58.23% de los casos las fracturas se relacionaron con la ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas. La etiología fundamental fue la violencia interpersonal (47.75%), independientemente del consumo o no de bebidas alcohólicas. Predominaron los pacientes con fracturas nasales (n=98; 55.06%), en los que el 35.71% había consumido bebidas alcohólicas en el momento del trauma. El sexo masculino (p=0.005), la carencia de estudios universitarios (p=0.007), la necesidad de tratamiento quirúrgico (p<0.001), las fracturas del complejo cigomático-maxilar (p=0.023), los traumas sucedidos durante los fines de semanas (p<0.001) o durante el mes de junio (p=0.029) fueron factores asociados a una mayor frecuencia de fracturas relacionadas con el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. Hubo menor frecuencia de fracturas asociadas a este consumo durante los meses de enero (p=0.006) y marzo (p= 0.001). Conclusión: Seis de cada diez casos estuvieron bajo los efectos de la ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas. Existió una mayor afectación de pacientes jóvenes, masculinos, a causa principalmente de la violencia interpersonal.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Skull Fractures/etiology , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Alcohol Drinking/physiopathology , COVID-19 , Maxillofacial Injuries/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cuba/epidemiology , Alcoholic Beverages , Alcoholism/complications , Pandemics
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(3): 46-50, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1400137


Objetivo: As fraturas do complexo zigomático-maxilar (CZM) constituem as principais fraturas do terço médio da face. O diagnóstico é complexo, por envolver uma área alternente sensorial e nobre da face. Portanto o tratamento não visa apenas devolver os contornos ósseos, mas também preservar as funções oculares. No presente caso paciente apresentou severo trauma facial associado a TCE com afundamento do frontal e teto de órbita. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 33 anos, vítima de queda da própria altura. No exame físico notou-se FCC extenso em região frontal, se estendendo para a região supra-orbital esquerda, blefaroedema periorbital esquerdo, com oclusão palpebral e distopia ocular. Escoriações em face e afundamento em região fronto parietal esquerda e perda de consciência. O diagnóstico apontou para fratura do complexo zigomático-maxilar associada a afundamento do osso frontal. Paciente submetido à osteossíntese das fraturas com por meio da ferida e complementado com acesso subciliar e caldwel luc. Foi alcançada boa reabilitação estética e funcional. Conclusão: Portanto, a redução aberta com fixação funcional estável com placas e parafusos segue sendo o padrão ouro para o tratamento de fraturas complexas do CZM. Sendo imperativo uma adequada redução e o reestabelecimento do continente orbitário... (AU)

Objective: Fractures of the zygomatic-maxillary complex are the main fractures of the middle third of the face. The diagnosis is complex, as it involves an alternating sensory and noble area of the face. Therefore, the treatment is not only aimed at restoring bone contours but also preserving ocular functions. In the present case, the patient presented severe facial trauma associated with TBI with frontal and orbital sinking. Case Report: Male patient, 33 years old, victim of a fall from standing height. Physical examination revealed extensive CCF in the frontal region, extending to the left supraorbital region, left periorbital blepharoedema, with eyelid occlusion and ocular dystopia. Excoriations on the face and sinking in the left fronto-parietal region and loss of consciousness. The diagnosis pointed to fracture of the zygomatic-maxillary complex associated with frontal bone sinking. Patient undergoing osteosynthesis of fractures through the wound and complemented with subciliary access and caldwell luc. Good aesthetic and functional rehabilitation were achieved. Conclusion: Therefore, open reduction with stable functional fixation with plates and screws remains the gold standard for the treatment of complex ZMC fractures. An adequate reduction and reestablishment of the orbiting continent is imperative... (AU)

Objetivo: Las fracturas del complejo cigomático maxilar son las principales fracturas del tercio medio de la cara. El diagnóstico es complejo, ya que involucra una zona sensorial y noble alternada de la cara. Por lo tanto, el tratamiento no solo está dirigido a restaurar los contornos óseos sino también a preservar las funciones oculares. En el presente caso, el paciente presentó trauma facial severo asociado a TCE con hundimiento frontal y orbitario. Caso Clínico: Paciente masculino, 33 años, víctima de caída desde altura de pie. A la exploración física destacaba FCC extensa en región frontal, con extensión a región supraorbitaria izquierda, blefaroedema periorbitario izquierdo, con oclusión palpebral y distopía ocular. Excoriaciones en la cara y hundimiento en la región fronto-parietal izquierda y pérdida del conocimiento. El diagnóstico apuntó a fractura del complejo cigomático-maxilar asociada a hundimiento del hueso frontal. Paciente con osteosíntesis de fractura a través de herida y complemento acceso subciliar y calwell luc. Se logró una buena rehabilitación estética y funcional. Conclusión: Por lo tanto, la reducción abierta con fijación funcional estable con placas y tornillos sigue siendo el estándar de oro para el tratamiento de fracturas CCM complejas. Es imperativo una adecuada reducción y restablecimiento del continente en órbita... (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Zygomatic Fractures , Open Fracture Reduction , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Mandible/surgery , Maxilla/injuries , Accidents, Home , Maxillofacial Injuries
Rev. argent. cir ; 114(3): 205-213, set. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1422931


RESUMEN Antecedentes: el trauma maxilofacial corresponde a toda lesión traumática del macizo facial. Actualmente representa uno de los problemas de salud más importantes en el mundo. Nuestro objetivo es realizar un análisis de nuestra experiencia en las intervenciones realizadas en pacientes internados y sus complicaciones. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y observacional de 205 pacientes con fracturas maxilofaciales desde el año 2011 hasta el año 2019. Resultados: el 81,46% fueron hombres (n: 167) y el rango etario más afectado osciló entre los 21 y 30 años con el 38,54% (n:79). El accidente de tránsito 56,1% (n:115) fue el mecanismo de trauma más frecuente. Los tipos de fracturas faciales fueron: panfaciales 12,2% (n: 25), tercio superior 1,46% (n:3), tercio medio 72,2% (n:148) y tercio inferior 14,15% (n:29). Dentro del tercio superior, el 66,67% (n:2) fueron fracturas del seno frontal asociadas al hueso frontal, en el tercio medio las combinadas en un 54,73% (n:81) y en el tercio inferior, las complejas en el 34,48% (n:10). Fueron intervenidos 199 pacientes (97,07%). Solo el 11,56% (n:23) presentó alguna complicación. No se observaron complicaciones graves. Discusión: según nuestra serie, la mayoría de los pacientes fueron hombres jóvenes; la causa más frecuente, el accidente de tránsito, y el tercio medio, el más afectado, resultados estos similares a los de otros estudios publicados. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue principalmente reducción abierta y fijación con material de osteosíntesis de titanio, un procedimiento seguro y fiable, que permite restablecer la funcionalidad previa al traumatismo, con un índice muy bajo de complicaciones posoperatorias.

ABSTRACT Background: Maxillofacial trauma corresponds to all traumatic injuries affecting the facial bones. Nowadays, it represents one of the main healthcare issues worldwide. The aim of this study is to analyze our experience in the interventions performed in hospitalized and their complications. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective and observational study of 205 patients with maxillofacial fractures from 2011 to 2019. Results: 81.46% were men (n = 167) and 38.54% (n = 79) of the patients were between 21 and 30 years of age. Traffic collision was the most common mechanism of trauma (56,1%, n = 115). The types of facial fractures were panfacial (12.2%; n = 25), of the upper-third (1.43%; n = 3), of the middle-third (72.2%; n = 148) and of the lower third (14.15%; n = 29). In the upper third of the face frontal sinus fractures associated with the frontal bone were the most common (66.67%; n =2); in the middle-third combined fractures were most prevalent (54.73%; n = 81) while complex fractures were most frequent in the lower third (34,48%; n = 10). One-hundred and ninety-one patients were operated on (97.07%). Complications occurred in only 11.56% (n = 23) and were not serious. Discusion: In our series, most patients were young men, traffic collisions were the most common cause of trauma, and the middle third of the face was the most affected region. These results are similar to our publications. Surgical management, mostly by open reduction and fixation with titanium-based osteosynthesis material, is an effective, safe and reliable procedure, which allows the restoration of pre-trauma function, with very low rate of postoperative complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Postoperative Complications , Facial Bones/injuries , Maxillofacial Injuries/surgery , Wounds, Gunshot , Accidents, Traffic , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Maxillofacial Prosthesis Implantation/adverse effects , Facial Injuries , Fistula , Maxillofacial Injuries/diagnostic imaging
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(2): 21-24, maio-ago. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1361989


Traumas na região da face são comuns devido a sua topografia e à grande exposição do local. As lesões na região maxilofacial são normalmente causadas devido a traumas por acidentes de trânsito, agressão física, acidentes cotidianos como queda da própria altura e de nível. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de trauma facial com a presença de corpo estranho impactado na face, bem como o tratamento cirúrgico empregado. Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, foi regulada para o Hospital Geral Cleristón Andrade com histórico de queda de cavalo, cursando com fragmento de madeira (galho de arbusto) tranfixado em região maxilofacial. A paciente foi encaminhada ao centro cirúrgico para a remoção do galho de arbusto transfixado. O procedimento foi rápido, e sua remoção se deu por meio do movimento contrário ao mecanismo de trauma. Lesão como esta possui aspectos singulares e devem ser avaliados multidisciplinarmente na emergência. A remoção desses objetos deve ser realizada de forma a preservar as estruturas dentro do possível, levando em consideração também os fatores estéticos e funcionais envolvidos(AU)

Traumas in the face region are common due to its topography and the great exposure of the place. Injuries in the maxillofacial region are usually caused due to trauma from traffic accidents, physical aggression, everyday accidents such as falling from height and level. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case of facial trauma with the presence of a foreign body impacted on the face, as well as the surgical treatment used. A 17-year-old female patient was treated at the Cleristón Andrade General Hospital with a history of falling from a horse, taking a wood fragment (shrub branch) transfixed in the maxillofacial region. The patient was referred to the operating room for removal of the transfixed bush branch. The procedure was quick, and its removal took place through a movement contrary to the trauma mechanism. Injuries like this have unique aspects and must be evaluated multidisciplinary in an emergency. The removal of these objects must be carried out in order to preserve the structures as much as possible, also taking into account the aesthetic and functional factors involved(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Maxillofacial Injuries/surgery , Maxillofacial Injuries/therapy , Surgery, Oral , Facial Injuries , Maxillofacial Injuries
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(3): 263-268, jun. 2022. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407920


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia y los factores en la remoción de elementos de osteosíntesis (OTS) de pacientes tratados quirúrgicamente debido a fracturas maxilofaciales. Materiales y Método: Estudio retrospectivo descriptivo, donde fueron incluidos todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de fractura maxilofacial y tratados mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna rígida en un intervalo de 10 años, en el Servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial en el Hospital Clínico Mutual de Seguridad (HCMS). Resultados: En un total de 807 pacientes intervenidos, con un rango etario entre 22-66 años, fueron utilizados 2.421 OTS. Entre ellos, 58 pacientes (7,2%) fueron sometidos a un segundo procedimiento quirúrgico, retirándose un total de 129 OTS (5,3%). La principal causa de retiro fue infección (41,1%), comúnmente de carácter tardío. El tercio inferior facial fue el más afectado, específicamente, la zona parasinfisiaria. El 39% fue retirado antes de los 12 meses de posicionados. Conclusiones: El retiro de OTS, posterior a trauma maxilofacial tiene una baja prevalencia. El sitio más afectado es el hueso mandibular y la mayoría se retira dentro de los primeros 12-24 meses. La etiología es variable, sin embargo, la infección se mantiene como una de las principales. Los hallazgos sugieren que no sería recomendable realizar este procedimiento de forma universal para todos los pacientes.

Aim: To analyse the prevalence and factors regarding to osteosynthesis elements (OTS) removal from patients surgically treated due to maxillofacial fractures. Materials and Method: Retrospective study in which all patients with diagnosis of maxillofacial fractures and treated with open reduction and internal rigid fixation were included, in an interval of 10 years, in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of HCMS. Results: In 807 surgically treated patients, with an age between 22-66 years, 2.421 OTS were used. Among them, 58 patients (7.2%) underwent a second surgical procedure, with a total of 129 OTS removed (5.3%). The main cause of removal was infection (41.1%), commonly of a chronic nature. The lower third of the face was the most affected, specifically, the parasymphysis region. 39% of OTS were withdrawn before 12 months. Conclusions: OTS removal after maxillofacial trauma has a low prevalence, the most affected site is the mandibular bone, within the first 12-24 months. The aetiology is variable, however, infection remains one of the main. The findings suggest that it would not be advisable to perform this procedure universally for all patients.

Humans , Titanium , Device Removal , Maxillofacial Injuries/surgery , Surgery, Oral , Fracture Fixation, Internal
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(5): 1-14, oct. 31, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397708


Background: This retrospective study was conducted to identify the epidemiological profile and treatment modalities linked to the maxillofacial trauma (MFT) managed in the Maxillofacial Surgery Departments of seven hospital centers in Antioquia, Colombia. Material and Methods: Clinical records with specific attention to sociodemographic characteristics, mechanisms of injury, type of MFT, location of injuries, and treatment modalities of MFT were collected from January to December 2017. Descriptive analyses using Pearson's chi-square tests were performed. Results: A total of 1356 records were retrieved. Males were significantly more affected, with a male-to-female ratio of 3.85:1. The most susceptible age group involved was young adults (18 to 40 years). A low percentage of alcohol (9.3%) and drugs consumption (2.5%) was recorded. Most common causes of MFT were road traffic accidents (RTA), falls, and interpersonal violence (IPV). Most injuries involved both soft and hard tissues followed by hard tissues and isolated open soft tissue injuries. Among fractures, the middle third was the most commonly affected site and the utmost method of treatment was open reduction and internal fixation. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the evidence available, this study has demonstrated that the gender, age stratum, and etiological factors, such as RTA, falls, and IPV, but no alcohol and/or psychoactive substances consumption, may have a significant influence on the prevalence, patterns, and treatment modalities of MFT in this sample population.

Antecedentes: Este estudio retrospectivo se realizó para identificar el perfil epidemiológico y las modalidades de tratamiento vinculados al Trauma Maxilofacial (TMF) atendido en los Servicios de Cirugía Maxilofacial de siete centros hospitalarios de Antioquia, Colombia. Material y Métodos: Se recopilaron historias clínicas con atención específica a las características sociodemográficas, mecanismos de lesión, tipo de TMF, ubicación de las lesiones y modalidades de tratamiento de TMF de enero a diciembre de 2017. Análisis descriptivos utilizando el chi-cuadrado de Pearson fueron realizados. Resultados: Se recuperaron un total de 1356 registros. Los hombres se vieron significativamente más afectados, con una relación hombre-mujer de 3,85:1. El grupo de edad más susceptible involucrado fue el de los adultos jóvenes (18 a 40 años). Se registró un bajo porcentaje de consumo de alcohol (9,3%) y drogas (2,5%). Las causas más comunes de TMF fueron los accidentes de tránsito (ADT), las caídas y la violencia interpersonal (VIP). La mayoría de las lesiones involucraron tejidos blandos y duros, seguidas de tejidos duros y lesiones abiertas aisladas de tejidos blandos. Entre las fracturas, el tercio medio fue el sitio afectado con mayor frecuencia y el método de tratamiento más utilizado fue la reducción abierta y la fijación interna. Conclusion: Dentro de las limitaciones de la evidencia disponible, este estudio ha demostrado que el género, el estrato etario y los factores etiológicos, como ADT, caídas y VIP , pero no el consumo de alcohol y/o sustancias psicoactivas, pueden tener una influencia significativa en la la prevalencia, los patrones y las modalidades de tratamiento de TMF en esta poblaión muestral.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Colombia/epidemiology , Jaw Fractures/epidemiology , Maxillofacial Injuries/therapy , Skull Fractures , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Maxillofacial Injuries
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 42(2): 52-55, maio-ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1283891


Pacientes com históricos de defeitos ósseos provocados por infecções, malformação congênita, neoplasias, deformação por iatrogenia, radioterapia e trauma buscam contornos faciais mais harmônicos através da reabilitação cirúrgica. Para facilitar a reconstrução maxilofacial dois grupos de materiais podem ser utilizados, os enxertos ósseos e os materiais aloplásticos. O objetivo é relatar um caso incomum de infecção e exposição de material utilizado para enxertia a base de polimetilmetacrilato, bem como a sua posterior reabordagem cirúrgica. Embora o Polimetilmetacrilato aparente ser seguro, ele exibe complicações diversas em função da imunologia do hospedeiro, que poderá reagir de diferentes formas. Desse modo, faz-se necessário ressaltar a importância da prevenção e proservação de cada caso de forma individualizada(AU)

Patients with a history of bone defects caused by infections, congenital malformation, neoplasms, iatrogenic deformation, radiotherapy and trauma seek more harmonious facial contours through surgical rehabilitation. To facilitate maxillofacial reconstruction, two groups of materials can be used, bone grafts and alloplastic materials. The objective is to report an unusual case of infection and exposure of material used for grafting with polymethylmethacrylate, as well as its subsequent surgical approach. Although Polymethylmethacrylate appears to be safe, it exhibits different complications depending on the host's immunology, which may react in different ways. Thus, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of preventing and preserving each case individually(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Bone Transplantation , Polymethyl Methacrylate , Maxillofacial Injuries , Orbit , Surgery, Oral , Zygoma , Biocompatible Materials , Iatrogenic Disease , Maxilla
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 4(3): 108-103, jul. 29, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1282080


La intubación submentoniana es útil en procedimientos quirúrgicos en donde la intubación nasotraqueal está contraindicada y la intubación orotraqueal no es ideal debido a la fijación intermaxilar. Este informe describe dos pacientes masculinos que se presentaron al Hospital Nacional Rosales, en el servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial de El Salvador, con historia de sufrir accidente de tránsito. El primer caso evidenció al examen radiológico fractura simple y desplazada de sínfisis mandibular, fractura simple huesos propios nasales y desviación del tabique nasal. El segundo caso es un paciente con fractura de sínfisis y doble cóndilo mandibular que presentaba imposibilidad a la apertura bucal. A través de la técnica del cirujano maxilofacial Hernández Altemir (España), el tubo endotraqueal atraviesa una incisión extraoral en la región submentoniana del suelo de la boca, para poder practicar reducción abierta de fracturas faciales, logrando adecuada oclusión, con mínimos cuidados posoperatorios y con una cicatriz estética. Al terminar la cirugía, la posición del tubo endotraqueal regresa a su posición original y el paciente evoluciona satisfactoriamente

Submental intubation is useful in surgical procedures where nasotracheal intubation is contraindicated and orotracheal intubation is not ideal due to intermaxillary fixation. This report describes two male patients who presented to the Rosales National Hospital, in the Maxillofacial Surgery service of El Salvador, with a history of suffering a traffic accident. The first case showed a simple and displaced fracture of the mandibular symphysis, simple nasal bone fracture and deviation of the nasal septum on radiological examination. The second case is a patient with a symphysis fracture and a double mandibular condyle that presented an inability to open the mouth. Through the technique of the maxillofacial surgeon Hernández Altemir (Spain), the endotracheal tube passes through an extraoral incision in the submental region of the floor of the mouth, in order to perform open reduction of facial fractures, achieving adequate occlusion, with minimal postoperative care and with an aesthetic scar. At the end of the surgery, the position of the endotracheal tube returns to its original position and the patient evolves satisfactorily

Humans , Airway Management , Intubation , Maxillofacial Injuries
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 499-502, jun. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385777


Trauma is defined as physical damage by the use of external force towards the human body. (Salazar et al., 2019). The etiology of facial trauma is multifactorial. Contusions caused by traffic accidents constitute the eighth cause of death worldwide. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of facial trauma due to vehicular accidents in 2017, and its relationship with age, gender and frequency in the level of emergency care at Vicente Corral Moscoso (VCMH) and José Carrasco Arteaga (JCAH) hospitals. In this way, real statistical information will be registered related to the degree of trauma, main causes and initial management, providing elements for the planning and execution of new studies, thus establishing prevention measures in the city of Cuenca. This is a retrospective descriptive study, carried out with data collection and authorized analysis of cases of patients diagnosed with facial trauma due to vehicular accidents who attended VCMH and JCAH emergency units in Cuenca Ecuador, in 2017. Variables were analyzed: hospital operating units, gender, age, type of facial trauma distribution, type of vehicle and ethylic status. The total prevalence of facial trauma due to vehic ular accidents in the city of Cuenca in 2017 was 3.34 % from which, the male gender exceeded the female group, representing a 69.76 %, being the 20 to 44-year-old-group more prevalent with a 57.56 %. Panfacial trauma predominated representing a 28.48 %. The kind of vehicle which was commonly used up to a 65.69 % was an automobile. Ethyl breath was detected in 38 % of the patients. A predominance of Panfacial trauma was evidenced in the male sex and in the age group of 20-44. The kind of vehicle which was commonly used was the automobile. Ethyl status was verified in 4 of 10 patients.

El trauma es definido como un daño físico por el empleo de fuerza externa, hacia el cuerpo. (Salazar et al.). La etiología del trauma facial es multifactorial. Las contusiones causadas por accidentes de tránsito, constituyen la octava causa de muerte a nivel mundial. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la prevalencia de trauma facial por accidente vehicular en el año 2017, y su relación con; la edad, género y frecuencia en el nivel de atención de urgencias en los hospitales Vicente Corral Moscoso (HVCM) y José Carrasco Arteaga (HJCA). De esta forma se registrará información estadística real en relación al grado de trauma, sus causas principales y manejo inicial proporcionando elementos para la planificación y ejecución de nuevos estudios, estableciendo así, medidas de prevención en la ciudad de Cuenca. Este es un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, realizado con la recopilación de datos y el análisis autorizado de los casos de pacientes diagnosticados con trauma facial por accidente vehicular que acudieron a la unidad de urgencias del HVCM y HJCA, Cuenca Ecuador, en el año 2017. Fueron analizadas las variables: unidad operativa hospitalaria, distribución de género, edad, tipo de trauma facial, tipo de vehículo y estado etílico. La prevalencia total de trauma facial por accidente vehicular en la ciudad de Cuenca en el año 2017 fue de 3.34% de los cuales, el sexo masculino supera al grupo femenino representando el 69.76 %, siendo el grupo etario de 20 a 44 años el más prevalente con 57.56 %. Predominó el trauma panfacial, representando un 28.48 %. El vehículo de uso común fue el automóvil en un 65.69 %. En el 38 % de los pacientes se detectó aliento etílico. Se evidenció predominio del sexo masculino y del grupo de edad entre 20-44; predominó el trauma panfacial. El vehículo de uso frecuente fue el automóvil. En 4 de 10 pacientes se comprobó estado etílico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Accidents, Traffic , Maxillofacial Injuries/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Ecuador/epidemiology , Emergency Service, Hospital
Odontol. Clín.-Cient ; 20(2): 7-13, abr.-maio 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1369084


A violência interpessoal tem se configurado como um grave problema social e de saúde pública, em que lesões na região bucomaxilofacial são importantes consequências. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o perfil das vítimas de violência interpessoal que tiveram lesões na região maxilofacial e foram atendidas no hospital da Restauração em Recife, Pernambuco-Brasil durante o ano de 2017. Foi realizada uma pesquisa retrospectiva e exploratória baseada nas informações contidas nos prontuários do hospital e em seguida foi utilizado o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) para análise das medidas descritivas. No período de um ano foram encontrados 455 prontuários, de forma que 87,9% corresponderam ao sexo masculino e 12,1% ao feminino. Do total, 34,9% tinham idade entre 20-29 anos e 43,3% foram vítimas de força corporal/espancamento. O tipo de trauma mais frequente foi fratura dos ossos maxilofaciais (45,3%). Outrossim, o dia e horário mais comum de atendimento foi o domingo (23,1%) no período noturno (58,2%). Homens jovens com traumas dos ossos maxilofaciais foi o principal perfil encontrado no estudo, sendo necessário o fortalecimento de políticas públicas a fim de evitar o aumento de casos nessa população... (AU)

Interpersonal violence has been configured as a serious social and public health problem in which injuries on the maxillofacial region are important consequences. This study aimed to analyze the profile of interpersonal violence victims who had maxillofacial injuries and were treated at Hospital Da Restauração in Recife, Pernambuco-Brazil during 2017. A retrospective and exploratory research was conducted based on information from the medical records of the hospital and then the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Software was used for descriptive measures analysis. In the period of one year, 455 medical records were found, in which 87,9% corresponded to male and 12,1% to female. Of the total, 34,9% were aged between 20-29 years old and 43,3% were victims of physical strength/beating. The most frequent type of trauma was fracture of the maxillofacial bones (45,3%). Otherwise, the most common day and time of treatment at the hospital was on Sundays (23,1%) and in the evening (58,2%). Young men with trauma on the maxillofacial bones was the main profile found in this study, requiring the strengthening of public policies to avoid the increase in cases in this population... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Violence , Mandible/surgery , Maxillofacial Injuries , Wounds and Injuries , Medical Records , Public Health , Fractures, Bone , Facial Injuries , Maxilla/surgery
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 87(2): 145-151, mar.-abr. 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249346


Resumo Introdução: Este artigo aborda a ocorrência de agravos à saúde em virtude de ferimentos na face por arma de fogo, entre os policiais militares, na Região Metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, operados pela Clínica de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial do Hospital Central da Polícia Militar. Objetivo: Identificar o perfil dos pacientes operados em decorrência de ferimentos na face por arma de fogo, a distribuição anatômica das fraturas maxilofaciais, as sequelas e complicações encontradas, as especialidades em saúde envolvidas na reabilitação desses pacientes, além de discutir sobre as repercussões sociais, emocionais e relativas ao desempenho do trabalho entre esses sujeitos. Método: Foi feito um estudo epidemiológico retrospectivo a partir de dados secundários referentes aos policiais militares operados no Hospital Central da Polícia Militar em decorrência de ferimentos por arma de fogo em face, de junho de 2003 a dezembro de 2017. Resultado: Durante o período estudado foram feitas 778 cirurgias em centro cirúrgico pelo serviço de Clínica de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial no Hospital Central da Polícia Militar, 186 em decorrência de ferimentos por arma de fogo (23,9%). Todos os pacientes eram do sexo masculino e com média de 34,7 anos. A perda de segmento ósseo foi a sequela mais encontrada. O comprometimento estético facial e os relatos de insônia foram as repercussões tardias de impacto na saúde e no convívio social mais encontradas. Sobre as repercussões laborais do ferimento sofrido, o tempo médio de afastamento por licença de saúde para tratamento dos ferimentos maxilofaciais foi de 11,7 meses. Conclusão: O tratamento de pacientes vítimas de ferimentos por arma de fogo em face demanda múltiplas intervenções cirúrgicas e o envolvimento de diferentes especialidades da saúde para sua reabilitação. São necessários mais estudos que analisem qualitativamente o impacto desse tipo de traumatismo em face para a vida dos pacientes e seus desdobramentos sociais.

Humans , Male , Adult , Wounds, Gunshot/surgery , Maxillofacial Injuries/surgery , Maxillofacial Injuries/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Face
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 109(1): 20-27, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280773


Objetivo: Analizar y describir los requerimientos de atención quirúrgica bucomaxilofacial de urgencia en el Servicio de Urgencias Odontológicas y Orientación de Pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires durante el aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio por la pandemia de COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de análisis retrospectivo durante el período de aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio inicial de 93 días, comprendido entre el 20 de marzo y el 20 de junio de 2020. Se evaluó la totalidad de historias clínicas de los pacientes que acudieron al Servicio de Urgencias Odontológicas y Orientación de Pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y se caracterizó a aquellos que requerían distintos tipos de tratamiento quirúrgico bucal y maxilofacial. Resultados: Durante el período estudiado, se atendieron 4564 pacientes, de los cuales 1337 (29,3%) requirieron tratamientos quirúrgicos como terapéutica para la resolución de la urgencia. De estos, el 93,2% fueron exodoncias de piezas erupcionadas o retenidas; el 1,7%, biopsias quirúrgicas; el 2,4%, tratamientos agudos de infecciones que involucran espacios anatómicos vecinos; el 0,8%, resolución de traumatismos en los maxilares, y el 1,9%, tratamientos de complicaciones posquirúrgicas. Conclusión: Los resultados ponen de relieve la necesidad de disponer de servicios de guardia odontológica en el ámbito del AMBA que cuenten con recursos humanos calificados y entrenados para resolver urgencias de tipo quirúrgico

Aim: The objective of this study was to analyze and describe the requirements for the emergency care of oral and maxillofacial surgical treatment in the emergency dental department of the School of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires during the Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation. Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of a descriptive observational study during the initial period of 93 days of Preventive and Compulsory Social Isolation, from March 20, 2020 to June 20, 2020. All the medical records of the patients who attended the emergency dental department of the School of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires were evaluated and those who required different types of oral and maxillofacial surgical treatment were characterized. Results: A total of 4564 patients were attended during the period studied, of which 1337 (29.3%) required surgical treatment as a therapy for the resolution of their emergencies. Of these, 93.2% were exodontia of erupted or retained teeth, 1.7% surgical biopsies, 2.4% acute treatment of infections involving neighboring anatomical spaces, 0.8% resolution of maxillary alveolar trauma and 1.9% treatment of post-surgical complications. Conclusion: The results highlight the need to have dental emergency services in the AMBA area that have qualified and trained human resources to solve the surgical type emergencies that may arise (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Emergency Medical Services , COVID-19 , Health Services Needs and Demand , Argentina/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications , Schools, Dental , Tooth Extraction/statistics & numerical data , Biopsy , Clinical Protocols , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Tooth Injuries/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution , Observational Study , Focal Infection, Dental/epidemiology , Intraoperative Care , Maxillofacial Injuries/epidemiology
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(1): 44-48, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1252443


Fraturas faciais geralmente resultam traumas, e podem ocorrer de forma isolada ou concomitante a outras lesões. O trauma na região facial resulta em danos não só em tecido ósseo, mas também em tecido mole e dentição, causando um prejuízo na função e na estética do paciente. Os acidentes automotores permanecem sendo uma das causas mais significativas de traumas faciais. As fraturas do terço médio da face incluem a maxila, zigoma e o complexo naso órbito etimoidal; podem ser classificadas em: fraturas Le Fort I, II ou III, fraturas do complexo zigomático maxilar, fraturas de arco zigomático ou fraturas naso órbito etimoidais. Elas podem ser unilaterais ou bilaterais, simétricas ou assimétricas. Este estudo objetiva-se em relatar o caso clínico de um paciente do sexo masculino, 31 anos, vítima de acidente automobilístico (carro/ anteparo). O paciente foi diagnosticado com fratura do tipo Le Fort II e nasal onde foi realizado o tratamento de redução e fixação interna rígida das fraturas de maxila e redução incruenta de fratura nasal, resultando em melhora da condição do paciente. As fraturas Le Fort são predominantemente causadas por colisões de alta energia. Portanto o tratamento é imprescindível para a devolução da função, estética e autoestima do paciente... (AU)

Facial fractures usually result from trauma, and may occur in isolation or concomitantly with other injuries. Trauma in the facial region results in damage not only to bone tissue but also to soft tissue and dental elements, which causes a loss in the patient's function and esthetics. Automotive accidents remain one of the most significant causes of facial trauma. Fractures of the middle third of the face include maxilla, zygoma and the nasoorbitoethmoid; may be classified as: Le Fort I, II or III fractures, maxillary zygomatic complex fractures, zygomatic arch fractures, or nasoorbitoethmoid. They can be unilateral or bilateral, symmetrical or asymmetric. The present study aims to report the clinical case of a 31 years, male patient, victim of an automobile accident (car/fixed shield). The patient was diagnosed with le Fort II and nasal fracture, where the treatment of reduction and rigid internal fixation of maxilla fractures and reduction of nasal fracture were performed, resulting in improvement of the patient's condiction. Le Fort fractures are predominantly caused by high energy collisions. Therefore the treatment is essential for the return of the function, aesthetics and increase of the patient's self-esteem... (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Osteotomy, Le Fort , Fracture Fixation , Maxillary Fractures , Maxillofacial Injuries , Face/surgery
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(1): 71-76, mar. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385726


Desde la aparición del SARS-CoV-2 se ha establecido, en la mayoría de los países afectados por esta pandemia, la suspensión de toda cirugía electiva, centrando la atención solo a urgencias. Son varios los estudios que mencionan las recomendaciones necesarias, sin embargo, hasta el minuto existe poca evidencia de la cantidad y tipo de cirugías realizadas por los servicios de Cirugía Maxilofacial. El objetivo del presente trabajo es dar a conocer la epidemiología de los pacientes tratados por el equipo de cirugía maxilofacial en el Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau de Santiago, Chile. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal entre Marzo y Agosto del 2020, de todos los paciente atendidos por la unidad de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital. Se analizó datos epidemiológicos como también el tipo de patología, la etiología, días de estadía hospitalaria y días de espera para cirugía. La muestra estuvo constituida por 41 pacientes, 20 % mujeres y 80 % hombres. El rango etario fue de 17 a 92 años, con un promedio de 40,39 años (DE 17,67). En al diagnóstico, el 61 % correspondió a patología traumática y el 39 % a patología infecciosa. El trauma más frecuente fue la fractura mandibular parasinfisiaria (23 %) y la infección más frecuente, la infección secundaria a quistes y tumores (25 %). A pesar del periodo de pandemia con las restricciones asociadas a la cuarentena, la muestra se comporta similar a estudios previamente reportados tanto en la distribución por sexo y edad, así como en el tipo el trauma.

Since the appearance of SARS-CoV-2, the suspension of all elective surgery has been established in most of the countries affected by this pandemic, focusing only on emergency. There are several studies that mention the necessary recommendations, however, until now there is little evidence of the amount and type of surgeries performed by the different Maxillofacial Surgery services. The objective of this study is to present the epidemiology of the patients treated by the maxillofacial surgery team at the Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital of Santiago, Chile. Material and method: A cross-sectional study was carried out between April and August 2020, of all the patients treated by the Maxillofacial Surgery unit of the Hospital. Epidemiological data were analyzed as well as the type of pathology, the etiology, days of hospital stay and days of waiting for surgery. Results: The sample consisted of 41 patients, 20 % women and 80 % men. The age range was from 17 to 92 years, with an average of 40.39 years (SD 17.67). At diagnosis, 61 % corresponded to traumatic pathology and 39 % to infectious pathology. The most frequent trauma was the parasymphyseal mandibular fracture (23 %) and the most frequent infection, infection secondary to cysts and tumors (25 %). Despite the pandemic period with the restrictions associated with quarantine, the sample behaves similar to previously reported studies, both in the distribution by sex and age, as well as in the type of trauma.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Surgery, Oral/methods , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Infections , Maxillofacial Injuries/epidemiology
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(1): 94-101, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385737


El Trauma Maxilofacial (TMF) es una patología que presenta alta frecuencia en la actualidad, constituyendo un problema global de salud para los centros de alta complejidad y los equipos multidisciplinarios involucrados en su manejo y resolución. (neurología, maxilofacial, otorrinolaringología, oftalmología). Su etiología y epidemiología varía significativamente en la literatura. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar a los pacientes atendidos en un hospital del s ector sur de Santiago, Chile, identificando sus factores sociales y clínicos, clasificando los principales tipos de fractura a nivel de tercio medio facial. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo con los Datos de Atención de Urgencia (DAU) de los pacientes atendidos en el Servicio Dental de la Unidad de Emergencia del Complejo Asistencial Barros Luco (CABL), analizando el sexo, edad, comuna de procedencia, etiología del trauma, categorización según el "Emergency Severity Index", horario de ingreso y evaluación, estructuras óseas comprometidas de los pacientes con diagnóstico final de Fractura en Tercio Medio Facial. Se utilizaron estimadores puntuales de porcentaje, media y desviación estándar para representar las variables. Se calculó la significancia de relación de variables independientes, con valor de p < 0,05 estadísticamente significativo por el tamaño muestral. Población principalmente afectada corresponden a hombres versus mujeres (2.4:1), y entre segunda y tercera década de vida. Principal etiología identificada fue accidentes en el hogar (n = 73), seguidos de agresiones (n = 55). La mayoría de los pacientes ingresan con un riesgo C4 (n = 107) y C3 (n = 64). Fractura más frecuentemente es la nasal (46 %), seguidas de complejo orbitario (11.3 %) y arco cigomático (7.9 %). Es necesario mantener actualizada la epidemiología del TMF considerando la complejidad de su manejo temprano, morbilidades al mediano y largo plazo, con el objetivo de tener un rol activo en su prevención y tratamiento.

Maxillofacial Trauma (TMF) is a frequent pathology nowadays and presents a global health problem for specialized trauma centers and the multidisciplinary teams involved in its management and treatment (neurology, maxillofacial, otolaryngology, ophthalmology). The objective of this study is to characterize the patients seen in a hospital in the southern sector of Santiago, Chile, identifying their social and clinical factors, classifying the main types of fracture at the level of the facial third middle. A retrospective observational study was conducted with the Emergency Care Data (DAU) of the patients attended in the Dental Service of the Emergency Unit of the Barros Luco Assistance Complex (CABL), extracting the sex, age, commune of Origin, etiology of the trauma, categorization according to the "Emergency Severity Index" evaluation time and compromised bone structures of patients with diagnosis of Fracture in the Third Facial Mid-Section. Point estimators of percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to represent the variables. The significance of the relationship of independent variables was calculated, with a value of p <0.05 statistically significant for the sample size. Mainly affected population corresponded to men versus women (2.4: 1), and between the second and third decade of life. Main etiology identified were accidents at home (n = 33), followed by assaults (n = 55). Most of the patients entered with a risk of C4 (n = 107) and C3 (n = 64). The most frequent fracture was nasal (46%), followed by an orbital complex (11.3 %) and a zygomatic arch (7.9 %). It is necessary to keep the epidemiology of TMF up to date considering the complexity of its early management and morbidities in the medium and long term.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries/etiology , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries/epidemiology , Maxillofacial Injuries/etiology , Maxillofacial Injuries/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Emergency Medical Services , Electronic Health Records , Hospitals, Public , Mandibular Fractures
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 9(1): 1-3, 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381668


Introduction: Jaw fractures are one of the most common sites of maxillofacial injuries. The location of the jaw makes it very vulnerable to direct impacts. The purpose of treatment is to restore aesthetic function. Case Report: The purpose of this report is to present a case of comminuted mandible fracture in a young male patient, treated urgently due to the need for maintenance of the airways, where fracture osteosynthesis surgery was submitted. Conclusion: The initial assessment of these trauma patients should follow the Trauma Life Support protocol, and structural damage should be investigated. Introduction: Jaw fractures are one of the most common sites of maxillofacial injuries. The location of the jaw makes it very vulnerable to direct impacts. The purpose of treatment is to restore aesthetic function. Case Report: The purpose of this report is to present a case of comminuted mandible fracture in a young male patient, treated urgently due to the need for maintenance of the airways, where fracture osteosynthesis surgery was submitted. Conclusion: The initial assessment of these trauma patients should follow the Trauma Life Support protocol, and structural damage should be investigated

Introdução: As fraturas de mandíbula são um dos locais mais comuns de lesões maxilofaciais. A localização da mandíbula a torna muito vulnerável a impactos diretos. O objetivo do tratamento é restaurar a função estética. Relato de Caso: O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de fratura cominutiva de mandíbula em paciente jovem do sexo masculino, atendido com urgência devido à necessidade de manutenção das vias aéreas, onde foi submetido cirurgia de osteossíntese da fratura. Conclusão: A avaliação inicial desses pacientes com trauma deve seguir o protocolo do Suporte de Vida no Trauma, e devem ser investigados danos estruturais.

Fractures, Comminuted , Patients , Therapeutics , Intubation, Intratracheal , Jaw , Jaw Fractures , Mandible , Maxillofacial Injuries